Chelsea C

Chelsea dedicates her time and energy to being a vocalist, educator, and a RYT-200.  As a lover of movement, wellness, and introspection, yoga was a natural fit. Like many women, she has struggled with a negative relationship with her body and spent years depriving and punishing it for not being “good enough." She initially approached her yoga practice with that same cruel mentality and was always looking for physical results. As time passed, she realized that not only was she enjoying the physical benefits, but also the mental and emotional; learning how to regulate emotions, respond to stressful situations versus react, find balance, take risks, increase self-awareness, and self-love. She has witnessed in her own life how yoga can be a vehicle for positive growth, and by teaming with Yoga 4 Change, she hopes to bring this transformative tool to undeserved populations, helping change lives from the inside out.