In the next installment of our instructional videos, Angela, Yoga 4 Change’s Program Director, demonstrates two postures, Chair (utkatasana (oot-kah-TAH-sah-nah) and Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana (AHN-jah-nay-AHS-uh-nuh). Both of these postures can be practiced either on their own or integrated into a practice that combines the postures and exercises that were demonstrated in our previous videos. Feel free to mix and match to create your own sequence.
Chair and Crescent Lunge can be adapted to meet any ability level. For the more advanced yoga practitioner, you can use these poses to build inner heat and create a challenge for yourself. Whether seated or standing, you can rely on these poses to help you with:
- Strengthening
- Stretching
- Stabilizing
Everyone’s body type and ability levels are different. What’s important is that you do what works best for you and adapt as necessary. As you go through your practice, remember: there is no right, wrong, or perfect posture; so long as you aren’t causing yourself injury or pain.
Your comfort levels may fluctuate from day to day. Some days you may feel sore or stiff. When this occurs, you’ll want to take it slow and just do a few postures and possibly focus more on breathing exercise. Other days, you may feel strong and be ready for a challenge. On these days, experiment by linking the postures together and holding them for a longer breath count.