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My journey to yoga started long before I made it to my first yoga class. I was raised in a family of athletes where everything was a competition. Praise was earned upon being better than others, being the best. It wasn’t all bad. This upbringing instilled in me a passion for learning and an unflappable determination to achieve my goals once they’re set. When college and my career as an athlete came to an end, all the sudden the predetermined path I’d been told to walk my entire life was over and I had no idea which path to walk next. After a lifetime of chasing identity through achievement and praise, I had no idea what my purpose was and where to focus my energy. I struggled to understand the beauty in the nuances of life, instead wanting to reduce every situation to a win or a loss. A lifetime of competition and comparison had left my body and my mind in need of repair.

Yoga had piqued my interest since my late teens, but it always intimidated me. I’d never been overly flexible. I couldn’t handle the thought of other more experienced yogis watching and judging me as a beginner. The intimidation factor combined with the price tag of studios and yoga gear was enough to keep me away for a couple years. In 2015 I joined a gym that offered yoga a few nights a week and decided I could sneak in the back and run out if I wanted to. From that very first class in the back corner, I was absolutely hooked. The energy of the teacher and the students instantly dissolved any worry I had about their thoughts and judgments. I had found my people. The experience of spending an entire hour giving your body love and attention without expectation was freeing. It was magic.

My practice was physical to start. Spending significant time moving, breathing, and finding stillness gave me a whole new perspective on my body. A perspective that continues to change and grow every time I practice. My yoga practice turned spiritual without my noticing. I found myself seeking out answers, finding more forgiveness and taking on new perspectives. That’s the beauty of yoga. The benefits come naturally and effortlessly if we can bring ourselves to allow it. This skill of allowing ourselves to embrace new sensations is one you cultivate every time you step on the mat.

Three years into my practice I committed to my first teacher training and arrived a day early on property in Sri Lanka. I’d never felt so calm and clear. On this day I received some tough news about someone in the tight knit industry that I worked in. The unfortunate story was far too common among my peers. On this day it hit me that I was meant to bring yoga to people who need it. Not those who can afford it and not those who can best nail a tricky posture, but to people in search of and in need of healing.  I knew I was getting more aligned with my purpose, my path.

I taught yoga on board yachts through the end of my career as a yacht crewmember and eventually taught some in-person and online community classes through the pandemic. Eager to find connection with the community I was looking to break into, I took a Trauma-Informed yoga training in Miami. The alignment I felt during this training solidified the type of yoga I was looking to deliver and the populations whom I wanted to serve. In 2022 I attended a community class last minute where the instructor spoke about Yoga 4 Change; it was everything I’d been looking for. They were fostering relationships with the exact populations I was keen to connect with and even better, their curriculum was data driven and their commitment to consistent training aligned perfectly with my approach to teaching yoga. I was honored to get the opportunity to join the team as a teacher.

The onboarding process was thorough and supportive. Six months later after subbing any chance I could, I was excited to take on a regular class. The commitment, courage, and vulnerability of these students continues to amaze me every class. Having done lots of subbing and video classes through my yoga teaching career but no consistent studio work, I had never experienced the level of trust you can create seeing the same small group week after week. They ask questions about their bodies and their breath. They inquire about and try new shapes. They make suggestions and voice their desires for their practice. This inclusive and inquisitive environment is part of what makes Yoga 4 Change so special.

The opportunity to share yoga with diverse populations and create an environment where information and inquiries flow freely is my dream come true. There is a common goal in the room to find peace and to find ease. There is a universal understanding that yoga is personal. There is no room for comparison. These yoga classes aren’t about burning calories or nailing poses. These classes provide a framework for a journey inward. This journey inward is open ended, an invitation without expectation. Watching these students from all walks of life bravely step on to their mat to continue their journey inward week after week has had a profound impact on my ability to deliver meaningful and effective yoga classes. This is a thank you letter to the students of Yoga 4 Change and every single person that pushes this incredible mission forward.