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BABE #236: Kathryn Thomas, Executive Director, Yoga 4 Change

“As women, we have to be the example. We cannot complain about inequality, and then when we have the chance to change the status quo, do nothing. If you identify workplace issues, get to the level where you can change it—and then make a change.”

Bridging the Gap Between Where You Are and Where You Want to Be

To get the things you want, action must follow desire.  To embark on a journey and transform your life, you must deviate your attention from the past and begin focusing on the present. In this blog post, we provide some simple suggestions that will assist you as you evaluate the change you’re desiring in your personal life and then develop a plan of action to bridge the gap between where you are and where you desire to be.

Warrior I and Warrior II

In this instructional video, Angela, Yoga 4 Change’s Program Director, demonstrates two postures, Warrior (Virabhadrasana (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)) I and II.  Both of these postures can be practiced either on their own or integrated into a practice that combines the postures and exercises that were demonstrated in our previous videos.  Feel free to mix and match to create your own sequence.